Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

*sniff sniff, cough hack cough sneeze...sigh*

Ringing in the new year with a nasty little head cold. I coughed really hard a few days ago and threw my back slightly out of whack and have spent the past few days sitting against a heating pad--I am way too young for this stuff.

Anyway, it's 2008 now. 2007 sort of slipped by me unnoticed; I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. On one hand, the year hasn't been marked with as much theatrics as, say, 2005; or 2006 for that matter. Wrapping myself up in a nice cuddly relationship probably had a lot to do with that, and that's where the problem comes in. I didn't do much in 2007. My Spring Semester grades weren't so great; I worked in the same summer job for the second year in a row, and came home dead tired every evening from being happyhappy nicenicenice to ungrateful patients all day; I hid in Wulfy's room most of Fall Semester, avoiding simultaneously schoolwork, my roommate, and the Drama of life with my friends. So a conundrum: during a markedly unproductive year, I managed to be rather happy. Or maybe, not-unhappy.

I have big plans for the Spring Semester that, knowing me, probably won't materialize as the year progresses. This is why I don't make resolutions. Case in point: I resolved to study intensively both for Comps and for my more difficult classes over our long Winter Break. I ended up sleeping off the stresses of the semester (despite the time running fairly smoothly, I was however a wreck about a third of time) and reading part of Dune. I worked a few days, and visited relatives...and that was it. I guess you could say I'm enjoying being a lazy college student.

Anyway, the Plans:
1. Get a job in Hippieville. I know, I'm terrible for freeloading this long, especially after my family's financial problems this time last year. So this is supposed to be non-negotiable, though tough because though I'm only taking 14 hours this semester, they're tough classes that will require lots of work outside class.

2. Get in shape! I'm skinny but not particularly in-shape; I want to start going to TaeKwonDo with Wulfy. This will also ensure that he actually goes, too, as he's been whining about being slack.

3. Work more on photography. I'm a Very Amateur photographer, and I want to get Slightly Less Amateur, but that's not going to happen unless I actually, you know, take a damn picture every now and then.

4. Write more outside of class. I have Story Ideas. I may even have a Novel Idea. But Ideas don't matter unless I make myself do something with them.

I would put "Read more books outside of class work" but one of my difficult classes is going to require me to read about 15ish novels during the course of the semester.

So, there's 2007 and the first bit of 2008. I have planned, possibly, a more substantive post, but that will have to wait.

Happy New Year, y'all.

1 comment:

belledame222 said...

Happy New Year! I admire your Resolve. I rarely make resolutions as I'm unlikely to actually keep them, but those are good goals anyway.